Are your marketing tools working for your business?

Marketing often represents a 'catch 22' for real estate franchises. As selling properties and interacting with clients is your main game, understandably, marketing efforts can sometimes take a backseat. However, it is the effectiveness of these marketing efforts that help to drive your business in the first place, thus it is an important aspect to consider for any organisation.

Keeping your marketing efforts fresh and up to date can definitely help to serve your business well. The aim of this blog is to explore various marketing tools and see if they can be used (or improved) to your advantage.

Paper Flyers

It can sometimes be useful to compare your real estate flyers and brochures to those of other companies. You would like yours to stand out, but often they can be very similar in look and feel to that of your competitors.

A simple way to improve your flyers is to print on a better quality paper. Another method is to reduce the amount of text on the page – this often helps the most important words to stand out.

Online Presence

Studies show that the first place people now look to for information is the internet. This makes it important for your website to stand out and to provide helpful information. In addition to a website, activities such as blogging can set your franchise apart from the competition. A well-written, insightful blog on your local area, or commentary on current issues such as interest rates and their impact on housing, often help to position you as an agent with knowledge and expertise.

Sending mass emails to a database offers another way to get noticed as well as overlooked. Some people literally receive over fifty emails a day – why not just delete yours? If you take the time to make your messages a bit different, people could come to expect them and not click delete as easily. Things like including an interesting real estate statistic or quote may appeal to your readers.


With new technologies being released with increasing frequency, it can be hard to determine which are the best suited to your franchise. But taking the time to utilise appropriate tools in your marketing efforts is often worth the effort.

Innovative tools such as Century 21's Smartbook can help your agency in a variety of ways. Smartbook gives you the ability to prove to your clients that you are savvy and ahead of the game, and can also help make your life easier too.

When it comes down to it, there are many marketing tools that can be incorporated into your business, including the ones just discussed and countless others. Such options could be those where effectiveness has been proven already or new methods that embrace innovative technology. Try to market to your advantage and take the time to update your efforts regularly – you could be very surprised by how beneficial this can be to your business.

Disclaimer: The opinions posted within this blog are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of CENTURY 21 Australia, others employed by CENTURY 21 Australia or the organisations with which the network is affiliated. The author takes full responsibility for his opinions and does not hold CENTURY 21 or any third party responsible for anything in the posted content. The author freely admits that his views may not be the same as those of his colleagues, or third parties associated with the CENTURY 21 Australia network.