Questions you need to ask yourself about time management

Three questions to ask yourself about your time management

As the year in real estate moves into full speed, it's possible that your to-do list might already be getting out of hand. Tasks may be starting to building up, and your ability to manage time effectively may be spinning out of control.

Below are three questions that could help you think objectively about your time management.

1. Are you managing effectively?

An effective plan needs to be utilised easily. If you are used to a diary, but use your smartphone for planning, chances are that the plan isn't going to work out. Use a method that you are familiar with and enjoy. Consider spending some time at the beginning of the year, month, week, and day in order to set yourself goals in those time periods. Keeping track of priorities is also vital, but leave room in your plan to adjust what you need to do in order to get the most important things done.

2. Do you say "no" often enough?

Sometimes time management is poor simply because there are too many things vying for your attention. It can be tempting to take on too many work or social activities, and this can end up causing trouble. Saying no to some invites might be necessary in order to make sure that other tasks and activities are completed.

3. Do you just wait for time management to happen naturally?

Time management will not occur on its own, it requires discipline and practice. Counter this by being proactive - don't wait for the right moment to come, in which you will automatically become great at time management. If you don't already manage your time effectively, you could sit down, and start a plan. The time that you spend planning could save you from missed deadlines, countless hours of procrastination and many unproductive days.

Disclaimer: The opinions posted within this blog are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of CENTURY 21 Australia, others employed by CENTURY 21 Australia or the organisations with which the network is affiliated. The author takes full responsibility for his opinions and does not hold CENTURY 21 or any third party responsible for anything in the posted content. The author freely admits that his views may not be the same as those of his colleagues, or third parties associated with the CENTURY 21 Australia network.